Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a Wonderful Country

Oi! (Hi in Portugeuse!)

After three flights and 36 hours of traveling we finally made it to Brazil on Sunday. We have been extremly busy performing at high schools, churches and community centers. The Brazilian people love us! Tonight we performed in a community center for over 650 people and received two standing ovations. We have also already sold out of all the CDs that we brought along to sell after the converts.

The Brazilian people are extremly welcoming and we have enjoyed staying in their homes and learning about their culture. Communition has been hard at times but we are slowing learning a little Portugeuse. Our hosts must think we are very skinny because they will not stop feeding us. Many of them prepare the traditional foods of the country and everything has been delicious.
We also want everyone to know that we are safe from the Swine Flu that is affecting many other parts on the world. The flu has not been confirmed in any parts of the country and we are all feeling great!

We hope everything is well in the US and we are not really sure we want to come back... the beautiful weather and amazing people of Brazil are two tempting reasons to stay longer!

Until our next post!

The Castle Singers

(Written by Spencer Albers)